Monday, July 29, 2019

What is the procedure for Experience certificate attestation?

Qatar is a country among the 15 states known as the “Cradle of humanity”. Experience certificate is an official letter issued by the company on behalf of the worker to testify the character of the employee in a particular time period. Experience certificate attestation is obligatory for employment related fields in Qatar. Experience certificate is issued by the company to its employers.

Steps for attesting experience certificate

·        Notary  Attestation
·        Home department attestation
·        MEA (ministry of external affairs )attestation
·        Embassy attestation

Experience certificate acts as employers request for getting jobs in Qatar and also to acts as a proof of experience for an employee in certain fields. The supporting documents to be submitted along the experience certificate Qatar include original certificate and passport copy. Experience certificate attestation helps you to get into your dream jobs easily. It is mandatory to prove the realness of the experience certificate issued by your company when you are using it in another country.

TOLL FREE: 8008007 MOB:+974 70441555

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to get mofa attestation?

Qatar is an independent country in the gulf region. The ministry of foreign affairs Qatar is a government body that deals with the foreign affairs of Qatar and it is an executive body responsible for one of the significant step of Qatar attestation. MOFA attestation is necessary to get a resident visa, Higher education and work permit in Qatar. For Qatar MOFA attestation the first procedure of original document authentication should be done by the respective authorities. The Qatar MOFA is the final step in Qatar attestation and is done in Qatar.  

 The documents which are essential to obtain a MOFA attestation include

  •          Original certificate
  •           Passport port copy
  •          Qatar ID copy

For instance if you have to move from India to Qatar  the last and final process is getting your documents attested from  MOFA Qatar, without this process getting a resident visa in Qatar  is impossible.

Once you have completed all the attestation process from your concerned country then you need to approach the MOFA .The foreign relations and dealing of any country is controlled by the MOFA .The ministry is controlled by a secretary who is  appointed by the Qatar government. This authority is responsible for granting attestation to migrants who are willing to move to Qatar. This process will prove how much authentic and real your certificate is before the Qatar government. The MOFA Qatar is commonly used for:

  • Higher Education in Qatar
  • Residence Visa in Qatar
  • Migrate to Qatar etc.

It has become a strict procedure that for every person travelling to Qatar needs MOFA attestation. For any MOFA attestation to take place the documents should be pre authenticated. This will prove the person is carrying an original document and makes it easy to make any international dealing.

TOLL FREE: 8008007 MOB:+974 70441555

Friday, July 26, 2019

How can verify MEA Attestation?

Qatar is a small peninsula in the gulf region. If you wish to fly to Qatar for a permanent visa you need to complete certain procedures. Qatar has some legal processes that need to be followed before entering Qatar. Ministry of foreign affairs attestation commonly known as the MEA attestation is the authentication done to your original documents that need to be used in Qatar.MEA attestation is the act of getting your certificates verified by the ministry of external affairs. This ministry is a government body which is responsible for the foreign relations of the country.

Before the ministry of external affairs is done you need to get your documents attested by the respective authorities.

Purpose of MEA attestation Qatar

  •     For students getting higher education in Qatar need MEA attestation
  •     For getting work permit this attestation is necessary
  •     For migration
  •     Family visa
  •     To start a new business branch in Qatar etc.

Required documents for MEA attestation Qatar

  •     Original document
  •     Passport copy

MEAattestation is one of the important steps in document attestation.Inorder to get MEA attestation done the individuals should first get their documents attested from the state or HRD department. This attestation procedure is carried out to prove that your certificates are genuine and real before the Qatar government.

TOLL FREE: 8008007 MOB:+974 70441555

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How to I get Educational Certificate Apostille in qatar?

Educational Certificate Apostille

Educational Certificate Apostille


Educational certificates are certificates that are related to the educational qualification of an individual. If you want to fly from your home country to any country part of Hague convention to enhance your living standards it is essential that you need to get few documents attested from certain departments .Apostille is done for documents which are mainly recognised in countries that are part of Hague convention.
Here are some of the examples of educational certificates that need Apostille
·        Degree certificate
·        PG certificate
·        Diploma certificate
·        SSLC certificate
·        HSC certificate etc
Getting an Apostille stamp is the important part of Apostille. It is a kind of verification done to your documents. Apostille is done to educational, non educational and commercial documents. This procedure of Apostille is required in those countries of Hague convention to know the realness of certificates issued from your country.
Documents need to be submitted along for Apostille:
·        Original certificate
·        Passport
There are many educational certificates like SSLC certificate, HSC certificate, Diploma certificate, Degree certificate, PG certificate, MBBS certificate etc these are issued either by the university or concerned boards of education.  The reason behind Apostille attestation is nothing but higher education and for employment purposes. Sometimes they can be used for migration as well.

Qatar Services:
Visit our Website for any Questions/Clarification about Attestation.
Website :
Call Us: TOLL FREE: 8008007 /MOB:+974 70441555
WhatsApp No: +974 3346 9644

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

what is mofa attestation?

MOFA attestation

MOFA Attestation Qatar

Qatar is an independent country in the gulf region. The ministry of foreign affairs Qatar is a government body that deals with the foreign affairs of Qatar and it is an executive body responsible for one of the significant step of Qatar attestation. MOFA attestation is necessary to get a resident visa, Higher education and work permit in Qatar. For Qatar MOFA attestation the first procedure of original document authentication should be done by the respective authorities. 
The Qatar MOFA is the final step in Qatar attestation and is done in Qatar.  
 The documents which are essential to obtain a MOFA attestation include
·         Original certificate
·          Passport port copy
·         Qatar ID copy

For instance if you have to move from India to Qatar  the last and final process is getting your documents attested from  MOFA Qatar, without this process getting a resident visa in Qatar  is impossible. 

Once you have completed all the attestation process from your concerned country then you need to approach the MOFA .The foreign relations and dealing of any country is controlled by the MOFA .The ministry is controlled by a secretary who is  appointed by the Qatar government. This authority is responsible for granting attestation to migrants who are willing to move to Qatar. This process will prove how much authentic and real your certificate is before the Qatar government.

 The MOFA Qatar is commonly used for:

         Higher Education in Qatar
         Residence Visa in Qatar
         Migrate to Qatar etc.

It has become a strict procedure that for every person travelling to Qatar needs MOFA attestation. For any MOFA attestation to take place the documents should be pre authenticated. This will prove the person is carrying an original document and makes it easy to make any international dealing.

Qatar Services:
Visit our Website for any Questions/Clarification about Attestation.
Website :
Call Us: TOLL FREE: 8008007 /MOB:+974 70441555
WhatsApp No: +974 3346 9644

Monday, July 22, 2019

How to get Marriage Certificate Attestation Qatar?

Marriage Certificate Attestation

Marriage Certificate Attestation

Qatar is an independent country in the Arab region. The country is known for its rich economy, its history and importantly its tourist destinations. Millions of people from all over the world come to Qatar to experience this beauty of Qatar. It is necessary to get your marriage certificates attested if you wish to take a family visa and move to Qatar. Marriage certificate attestation in Qatar is authentication done to your marriage certificates so that it can be used in Qatar. Marriage certificate is a document showing the legal relation between two individuals. The certificate is a witness that your marriage has taken place.

Documents to be produced for getting marriage certificate attestation
·         Original marriage certificate
·         Passport copy

Marriage certificate attestation Qatar is obligatory for travelling to Qatar with your spouse. The marriage certificate attestation comes under the head of non educational certificate attestation. It is a legal affirmation that the certificate you have is authentic and real. It is to show the relationship with the person you are taking along with you to Qatar.
Some mandatory processes that you need to do for getting your marriage certificates attested:

For non educational documents
·         Notary  Attestation
·         Home department attestation
·         MEA (ministry of external affairs )attestation
·         Qatar Embassy attestation

All of these above mentioned processes are mandatory for getting marriage certificate attestation Qatar. Marriage certificate attestation is an inseparable process when you are travelling to Qatar with your family. So make sure you have attested your certificates from the respective authority.

Qatar Services:
Visit our Website for any Questions/Clarification about Attestation.
Website :
Call Us: TOLL FREE: 8008007 /MOB:+974 70441555
WhatsApp No: +974 3346 9644